AdvancedSkeleton v 5.941 - FaceFitSkeleton.NonSymSide Error, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.940 - template added to MoCapMatcher - Gui color preferences added - Controller Gallery added - Controller Curves Type-Select function added - Max Influences option added - Teeth & Tongue ctrls added to ctrlBox2 - Improved Tongue weighting - SwapCurve on a ClusterControl ReBuild issue, fix - HeadSquash on specific mesh names issue, fix - EyeBall Lens objects skinning fix - CustomCurves Set LineWidth added - Audio2Face updated to look for latest version path - NameMatcher now warns if NameSpace is needed - NameMatcher now auto Builds and Attaches - Create HumanIK now works with MetaHuman connected - MocapLibrary skeleton attachment improvements - Global and HipSwinger can now both be applied to Spine1 AdvancedSkeleton v 5.932 - FrownBulge & SmileBulge bug from 5.930 fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.931 - LipCorner -Edit-DS bug from 5.930 fix - Picker not loading bug from 5.930 fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.930 - Partial facerig now a new option - FrownBulge & SmileBulge DrivingSystems improvements - SmileLine Face-Fit-Option removed - Dynamics Baking now works with nested NameSpaces - Ctrl-hotKey option for Mannequin-export options - GoToBuildPose now works with Wheel & RollingBall - EyeLidMain2 now works with EyeLidOuter controllers - FaceSetup with Skipped Nose+Mouth+Lips issue, fix - FitLocator on EyeBrow-polyshell issue, fix - Mirror CorrectiveShape issue from v 5.920, fix - IK-Fingers affects Cup control issue, fix - Embedded Picker opens on playback-stop issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.920 - Colorize ControlMesh added - Create ControlMeshes now works with FaceRig - autoFit orbit option by ctrl-hotkey added - LipCtrls set to > 12, Mouth-DrivingSystem improvement - postReBuildScript now excutes after first build as well - asFitStraightLimb helpimage now added - OneJointProp can now be multiple objects - MoCapMatcher>BakeIK MocapSkel can now nameClash with rig - CorrectiveShape precision value issue fix - SwitchFKIK on scaled rigs issue, fix - Rigs with removed BodyRigs, FaceBuild errors, fix - FaceRig with no BodyRig>EyeLidJoints to 4 issue, fix - TwistJoints set to zero cause Error in ControlRig, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.910 - SquashController section added - Unreal5.1 compatability added for Export ControlRig - Roblox export updated for new Roblox Face System - One-joint-prop function added - Selector/Picker buttons updates - Bake HumanIK now includes finger ctrls & Scapula - CurveBasedDeformation Bake issue, fix - HumanIK-auto-definitions on bipedGame issue, fix - Editing ctrlMouthCorner_R.txPos_tyNeg issue, fix - CurveGuide Feather system scaling issue, fix - lipCtrl higher then 24 in Mixed FaceRig issue, fix - HeadSquash curveVis/latticeVis attributes removed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.900 - Duplicated Arms now includes Finger-DrivingSystem - Duplicating limbs with more then 10 bendyJoints issue, fix - Automatic NameMatcher, when external skeleton detected - AutoPlace FitSkeleton function added - SnapChat AR option added to FaceSetup - ControlRigExport with FitSkeletonJoints missing issue, fix - Added automatic Model-check when running FaceBuild - Added automatic Model-check when choosing Face-Mask - Metahumans in Z-up scenes gets small controllers issue, fix - EyeLidMain2 helpImage added - Mixed type FaceSetup eyeLid jitter issue, fixed - GameEngine Scale-behaviour Root error issue, fixed - Edit DS with Test-Animation=Off issue, fix - Eyebrow buildStep error on some characters, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.899 - Custom numbers of LipControllers function added - Face>ConvertToBlendShapes runs faster - Audio2Face importer updated for Audio2Face2022 version - EyeLidOuter ctrls in FaceRigType Mixed issue, fix - ctrlBox2 ctrls not work in RigType Mixed issue, fix - Some Ctrls not attached in RigType Mixed issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.898 - Squint DrivingSystem improvements - Simpler eyeLid option added - UnrealJoints section is back - RenameToUnreal function added to UnrealJoints section - ctrlBrow.ty now drives EyeBrowRegion intead of each eyBrowCtrl - Extract BlendShape ctrlEye_R issue, fix - Highly angled EyeBrow weighing issue, fix - EyeLidOuter ctrl issue when Main rotate 180 issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.897 - New EyeLidOuter controllers - ctrlBox2 added for Regions & UpMidLo Ctrls - Inbetween Ctrls now has attributes to control distribution - CustomOrientedGameSkeleton now includes RootMotionJoint - SmileLine improvements - LipCorners rounder from JawOpen - Lip roll & pucker improvements - MouthWide DrivingSystems now include lipSqueeze - Emotions.happy now includes center-lip-lift & nose-motion - Create UnrealMannequin-Joints re-added to GameEngine section - Frown Bulge in LipFallOffArea issue on some models issue, fix - SkinControl with 50% parent on end-joint errors, fix - 8+ SpineFitJoints cause crash in Maya2023 issue, fix - SoftMod2CustomControl with non-zero SoftModXform issue, fix - CustomControl with centerJointParent mirror-limitation resolved AdvancedSkeleton v 5.895 - RollingBall FitAttribute added, for auto ball roll behavior - Select FaceAreas functions added - FaceSetup EyeLidMain2 option added - Scaling Main not working with FBX export issues, fix - Iterations field added to LipFalloff BuildStep - Audio2Face for standalone Selector, asAlign issue, fix - Audio2Face with animated character issue, fix - Partial Joints Scapula and Hip orientation issue, fix - CustomControl auto-mirror on non-same-mesh issue, fix - FaceSkinCluster.bindPreMatrix unusedMultiInstances issue, fix - Custom oriented Face-controllers issue, fix - Tongue part of Mouth-Mesh issue, fix - eyeBrowArea & eyeBrowLineArea sets now available in FaceAreas set - FaceSetup skinWeighting improvements AdvancedSkeleton v 5.890 - Custom Reduce function added to Optimize section - DrivingSystem-Advanced section added - ModelCleaner now removes displayLayers - Bake HumanIK function added - Create HumanIK no longer require removed MotionSystem - ReBuild FaceSetup added option "Manually run RestoreStep" - ReBuild FaceSetup not restoring customized DrivingSystems, fix - ReBuild FaceSetup cause a "handle given geometry data" Error, fix - Connection option added to DeformableControllers - Lip & SmilePull incorrectly deteced as DS bug from v5.8763, fix - Partial Joints improvements - CorrectiveShapes UI improvements - DrivingSystems UI improvements - asFaceControlOrient now skips _M ctrls - Go to Build Pose now detect removed ctrls with option to remove cmd AdvancedSkeleton v 5.886 - CorrectiveShapes Error introduced in v 5.885, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.885 - AngleSystem now updates on ReBuild if DrivingAngle has changed. - Unparented DragonWing controls issue introduced in v5.880, fix - Deformable-Controllers function added to Selector/Picker - HairSystem option added to Selector/Picker Dynamics menu - ModelCleaner now removes intermidiate shape nodes - ModelCleaner now removes animCurves - ReSample now longer adds underscores to jointNames AdvancedSkeleton v 5.880 - ReadyPlayerMe added to NameMatcher - CharacterCreator4 added to NameMatcher - NameMatcher Straighten Knee/Elbow PoleVectors added - NameMatcher improved OverAllScale of FitSkeleton node - NameMatcher appends NameSpace to avoid name-clashing - NameMatcher Mixamo EyeJoint added to template - IkFollow FitAttribute added - ControlsFromSoftMod now works with Volume Falloff - ControlsFromSoftMod now works with Custom FalloffCurve - IkSpine Flip issue with Main.r at -90 180 0 issue, fix - DrivingSystem for multiCtrls with variable DriveValues issue, fix - Main.drvSysVis attribute sometimes dont work issue, fix - AutoLipSync Download permission denied for some users issue, fix - AutoDriven-DrivingSystems missing Edit option after ReBuild issue, fix - AlignIk2Fk issue, fix - Running Selector as standAlone cause MoCapMather issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.875 - added to MoCapMather - Snap button added to Body>Edit>Placement - Audio2Face function added - Face Mask storing now faster - NoMirrored LeftOnly SplineIKs flipping issue, fix - SwapCurve now works with edgeSelection - Minimum rig scale now limited to 0.01 - MoCapMatcher bug introduced in v 5.870, fix - FaceFit EdgeLoop detector issue with neighbour vtxs issue fix - SkinCage with CurveAttach-Connect preference set issue, fix - NameMatcher TransferSkinning with NameSpace issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.870 - Unreal5 full-version compatability added for Export ControlRig - Root Motion Joint function added to GameEngine section - UnrealEngine sub-section removed (replaced by custom mannquin exporter) - Unreal Mannequin exporter added - Unreal5 template added to NameMatcher - Fleshy-eye now affects innerLid & outerLid ctrl, adjustable with Fleshy attr - FaceSetup issue where EyeBallModel part of MainMesh, fix - FaceSetup on NameMatcher now checks for headJoint - Baking MotionCapture to IK option added - NameClash on geo objects with "*_Right" in name, fix - BendSystem.inheritsTransform can be enabled by SwapCurve, fix - CurvedBasedDeformation issues on limbs with only 1 twistjoint, fix - Clashing Joint Names detector added AdvancedSkeleton v 5.865 - Unreal 5-Preview-2 ControlRig support added - Picker: Colors from Geometry function added - Embedded-Picker added (picker baked into the maya-file) - Picker>Isolate Picker now sets panels to auto-load new objects - Delete MotionSystem (for HumanIK) now retains FaceSetup - FaceStepBuild undone can cause repeat buildStep issue, fix - Build-step:LipCorner Update function issues fix - X-axis crossing now possible also with Mirrored limbs - Warning added when using underscores in joint-names - FK2IK Baking with non-settable attributes, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.862 - Face > WrinkleMap added AdvancedSkeleton v 5.860 - Toes & Finger on Quadruped FitSkeletons now have worldOrient FitAttribute - ReBuildDagPoseNodes function removes faceBuildPose issue, fix - Double transform for Teeth&Tongue in Face-Rig-Type:Mixed issue, fix - Tongue scaling issue introduced in v5.842 issue, fix - RobloxHead connects to upperLip_M.ty issue, fix - BlendShape FaceSetup can now overshoot negative, e.g ctrlEye_R.blink -5 - SkinCage Branching improvements - NonSphericalEyeSetup LidSetupNonSpAim1_L offset issue, fix - GameEngineScaleBehaviour on jointsInIk with no inbetweens issue, fix - Custom Rotate-order IkCtrl not mirroring correctly, fix - AutoLipSync of non-Latin subtitle-render issue in Maya2022, fix - Bake function added to MoCapLibrary - Resampling SplinIk-chain to 2joints issue, fix - NoseSide_R controller jitters issue, fix - Paint ClusterControlWeights with LocalOriented On issue, fix - Cluster/SoftMod-Controls not part of ControlSet after ReBuild, fix - Cluster/SoftMod-Controls now non-renderable by default - Undo scriptjob removed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.855 - Unreal-ControlRig FaceSetup export (BlendShape FaceSetup) - "Roblox Dynamic Heads" support added - BlendShapes FaceSetup now use BlendShape on Teeth/Tongue - ConvertToBlendShape-only-FaceRig now include FleshyEye targets - ctrlMouth_M.lipSide attribute changed to use softLimits - DrivingSystems can now be created on Left side as well - DrivingSystem add to existing control Mirror issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.850 - Unreal-ControlRig Backwards solve added - Unreal-ControlRig now exports Global function - Unreal-ControlRig IK-controls offset axis swap, fix - DrivingSystem Center-Driver with Center-Drivens issue, fix - MirrorPose for QuadrupedLeg in IK issue, fix - BoxSkin skinweight improvements - MoCapLibrary with referenced rigs issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.845 - Unreal-Mannequin-Skeleton function now autoscales rig - Unreal-ControlRig IK controls now in Unreal-World-Space - Unreal-ControlRig now works with twistJoints & inbeweenJoints - Unreal-ControlRig noControl FitAttribute support added - BoxSkin function added to Geometry>PolyBoxes - PolyBoxes now use defaultShader for improved fps - Tongue can now have any number of controllers - Unreal Mannequin issue with knee-twist-joints, fix - added "childOfPart" FitAttribute, for controls to be child of TwistJoints - AutoLipSync update for GitHubs`s folder rename master->main - NotInBuildPose checker now includes Main controller - ReBuildDagPose updated to remove old DagPose Nodes - PolyBoxes contains shear values issue, fix - Non-uniform scaling of Tongue issue, fix - Edit DrivingSystem>"show only affected" issue, fix - Non-Spherical-Eye issue on large characters, fix - ARKit on BlendShape-FaceSetup, look attributes issue. fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.840 - Export as Unreal-ControlRig added - Gorilla FitTemplate now include ToesEnd FitJoint - ReBuild Face after RemoveUnusedInfluences issue, fix - noMirror now has new noMirrorLeft option - SwitchIK2FK issue with rigs using MirroredTranslate, fix - middleFace_M cause double transform for nose, fix - Edit DrivingSystem with HeadSquash double-ctrl issue fix - eyeLid.closeAutoShape issues when Main controller is moved, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.835 - Non-Spherical-Eye issue in Maya2022, fix - adding "noFlip" to center-joints issue, fix - $sideTreshold increased to match $centerTolerance - MirroredTranslate option On cause qudruped leg issue, fix - Create DrivingSystem now avoids inclusion of SmilePull contollers - AutoLipSync on BlendShape FaceRigs sets Jaw&Lip multipliers to 1 - SkinCage issues in Maya2022, fix - ImportLimb to a built rig issue, fix - Rebuild now repairs CustomControllers scale issue - ReBuild not keeping members added to DeformSet issue, fix - SwitchFK/IK on multiple limbs increases currentTime issue, fix - Align FK2IK and IK2FK has swapped labels, for better decription - SplineIk EndCtrl.stiff attributes issue, fix - Display GimbalLockVisualizers issue, fix - GeoAttach offset issue, fix - FreeOrient issue, fix - SliderJoints not scaling with Main issue, fix - Delete UnUsed EndJoints now ignores "control" endjoints AdvancedSkeleton v 5.830 - "Mirrored Translation" option added to Preparation>Rig section - "Control" fitAttribute added, allowing for end-joints to build controllers - AlignFKIK for SplineIK now use degree 1 curve - SkinCage brachboxes improvements - CustomControllers not scaling with Main, fix - FKIKSwitch reverses toe issue, fix - CreatePolyBoxes for quadrupeds Heel issue, fix - SceneZUp Rebuild issue, fix - Delete MotionSystem issue, fix - Global not following Main issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.826 - Bug introduced in v 5.825: Left Bendy controls flipped, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.825 - Bug introduced in v 5.820: IKArm controls not following Main, fix - Multiple top-level joints now possible. - Inbetween-joints not scaling correctly on Left side, fix - FitSkeleton joints on Left side now Warns to use Right side - MoCapLibrary updated to work with alternative Primary axis option - Mirroring of SplineIK limbs improvements AdvancedSkeleton v 5.824 - CreateDrivingSystem on Left side, now prompts to use Right side - FreeOrient on Cup joint issue, fix - multi-joint zig-zag IK`s flip issue, fix - Using world-match orient, causes flipped fingers DrivingSystem, fix - Corrective-Control DrivingSystem Driving FK controls issue, fix - World-match orient, fingers Non-local-upaxis issue fix - Face Error[0] issue, fix - Unreal Mannequin Transfer Skinning now warns upon joint count mismatch - Face-FitEye no longer uses rotation from Body-Eye, as it could be custom-oriented - Geometry>Mannequin now includes Ankle - Geometry>Muscular now on a displayLayer - ReCreating DrivingSystem using name of previously delete DS issue, fix - FaceSetup in Z-up scene, now prompts user to switch Axis - Lip Upper overlapping LipLower detection improvements - FaceFit Lip&Lid Main&Inner colors changed to match Outer colors - PolyCage on character with arms downwards improved. - Added auto-detect of previous FaceBuild attempts AdvancedSkeleton v 5.821 - Bug introduced in v 5.820: Scaling Main ctrl breaks rig, fix - Bug introduced in v 5.820: Rotating Main ctrl moves poleVectors, fix - TwistSystems for rigs with non-default primary axis issue, fix - Geometry>PolyBoxes now includes Ankle & Wrist - Multiple Main Extras not affecting PolyBoxes scale fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.820 - MetaHuman template added to NameMatcher - Z up Axis added to Preparation>Rig section - Main Hierarchy changed for better export to Unreal results - "Unreal Root behaviour" function removed - Axis options added to Body>Edit>Auto-orient section - poleVector position improved for multiple-knee-joint rigs - FaceBuild Prep sets "All Head" object to polySmooth level 0 - AngleRotations improved for non-default RotationAxis settings - Geo object automatically parented to Geometry when Building - SkinCage branching improvements - SkinCage Elbow/Knee fitting improved - AutoLipSync errors now prompts for re-download language files AdvancedSkeleton v 5.812 - Scene Z-up Maya-setting support added - FKIKSwitch rigs with NameSpace toe align issue, fix - ConnectARKit on referenced-in rigs with arKit-ctrl issue, fix - CorrectiveControls on rigs with no existing DS issue, fix - ModelCleaner on objects with intermidiateMeshes issue, fix - FaceRig with no bodyRig, rebuild issue, fix - Adding DrivingSystem with "use Existing Controller" issue, fix - curveGuide mixed with DrivingSystem e.g dragon issue, fix - GameEngine FaceSetup disables Mixed rigType - Tongue part of a seperate innerMouth mesh issue, fix - FaceBuild where main mesh`s double3 type attrs locked, fix - Move red skinCurves to deformationWidth can overshoot, fix - DrivingSystem for CustomControllers on Face mirror issue, fix - adding WorldOrient FitAttribute to Root issue, fix - ReBuild Face with Custom Added DrivingSystems issue, fix - ModelCleaner objectSets issue, fix - UnrealJoint TransferSkinning with 2 twistJoints issue, fix - BipedGame FitSkeleton changes to better match UnrealMannequin - zip lips behaviours asymmetrical issue fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.810 - SkinControl-joints now part of DeformSet - CustomController-AddInfluenceObject issue, fix - Lip movement upon Main Rig scale issue, fix - SkinControls-joints.segmentScaleCompensate set to Off - SetBuildPose now works with CustomControllers - ScaleCompensate at at jointBranches issue, fix - WheelRoll inaccurate when rig scaled, fix - Inbetweens not working with DrivingSystems, fix - Maya2022 compatibility issue, fix - Controller-Tag added to Optimize - FKIKSwitch on Quadrupeds issue, fix - AutoSwitchFKIK with a HybridCtrl selected issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.808 - Angle-driver (RBF solver) added to DrivingSystems - "Follow" issue, fix - 2nd noFlip FitLabel issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.806 - Edit CorrrectiveControls with test-animation OFF issue, fix - Edit CorrrectiveControls popupMenu multiple listings, fix - ReBuild AdvancedSkeleton causing CustomControllers to fail mirror, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.805 - CorrectiveShapes crashing issue, fix - ARKit connect BlendShape-type face-rig issue, fix - Edit DrivingSystem issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.804 - noFlip FitLabel issue, fix - Edit DrivingSystems missing FaceAllSet issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.803 - Occasional non-zero initial rotation for HipPart1_R issue, fix - JointReducer with EyeLash part of mainMesh issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.802 - "Follow" FitAttribute added - Reset BlendShape target mirrorSide issue, fix - Shoulder/Hip deformJoint flip at ry -90 issue, fix - UnDone failed Rebuild cause CreateDS issue, fix - Added joints to Hip/Shoulder causing Cycle issue in v5.801, fix - CustomControls added to a DrivingSystem, rebuild issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.801 - update for Korean language in AutoLipSync - Occasional Fit-Hip autoOrient flipped, fix - DrivingSystem driving scale issue, fix - DrivingSystem Edit ARKit attributes improvements - Delete customCtrl with no FaceSetup issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.800 - Create Skin-Control, added to Custom-Controllers - ModelCleaner now works with multi-uvSets - DrivingSystems can now be Driven from any controller - Custom HeadJoint now allows for using nameSpace - Maya2020.4 compatibility added for FitSkeleton-geometry - Adding "inbetween" to a end-joint causes Error, fix - Adding dynamics to limbs with "inbetween" issue, fix - EditBlendShape>reset issues, fix - Limbs crossing axis then return to center issue, fix - CustomControlles not part of "go to buildPose" after ReBuild, fix - Edit DrivingSystem>show only affected not hiding IKSpine, fix - CustomControllers with Custom-Parent not customParenting MirrorSide, fix - Mirroring ctrlARKit_M-DrivingSystem issues, fix - SliderJoints incorrectly sliding from RotateY, fix - Bake ARKit on faceSetup with HeadSquash issue, fix - PoserDesigner>Clip>key error, fix - DiplayeLayers with options set to "auto add objects" issue, fix - ctrlARKit_M.mouthLeft/Right incorrect values, fix - ARKit attributes jawRight and jawLeft was swapped, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.797 - Body->Pre section added - GameEngine option added to Body->Pre - Namematcher tool startup error, fix - Rebuild AdvancedFace with Keep-CorrectiveShapes - FitLip now allows for more extreme asymmetry - Edit DrivingSystem improvements - ExitCorrectiveShapeMode now returns to BuildPose - Extract blendshape improvements - EyeBrowCenter_M now centers between L/R also in Z - NonSpherical sideways eyes issue, fix - Updates section added - GreenShader fix button added to the new Updates section AdvancedSkeleton v 5.795 - FaceSetup type Mixed now has attached onFace ctrls - FaceCtrls detach function restored in Selector/Picker - Ctrl+Shift Hotkey saves Selector functions to shelf - Popup menu with all targets added to Extract BlendShape button - Limbs can now cross the X-axis - ARKit blendShape targets removed suffix - AutoLipSync language-download url update - Building Faces that have only Eye and EyeBrow, now possible - EyeBalls part of face-mesh, now possible - FootRoll attribute now includes toes straighten - rollStartAngle & rollEndAngle attributes added to IKFoot - Create Partial Joint now works on selection - WorldOrient FitAttribute now has Forward-axis options - segScaleComp FitAttribute added - Model Check button added to Face>Pre section - preFaceBuild unique names check added - Bake AnimationControls to BakeSkeleton removed, as FBX baking is preferred - Dynamics>Bake improvements - Copy/Paste Pose & Animation improvements - Reduce Lip/EyeLid-joints changed jointNames - UnrealMannequinTransferSkin to bipedGame spine_02 issue, fix - IrisOffset nonDefault scale, fix - Teeth controllers size issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.790 - Apple ARKit option added in Face>Pre - DeepMotion added to MoCapMatcher - reduce eyeLid/lip jointCount re-parents contraint-nodes - Connect MoCapX restored - Error while editing picker scenes, fix - FKIK Switch on rigs using QToes issue, fix - Auto Update changed to Secure http - Glimpse option added to AutoLipSync - SmileLine deformation improved - FrownPull Face-build-step added AdvancedSkeleton v 5.785 - MouthNarrow DrivingSystem improved - LipCorner FaceBuild step added - SmilePull DrivingSystem overshoot enabled - LegAim creates non-zero FKExtra, fix - Eye_L controller orientation issue, fix - upperLipB_L placement issue, fix - NoMirror ctrls on Left side labeled _R, fix - DrivingSystems set scale to 1, removes sdk - Tongue part of faceMesh issue, fix - Command polyUnite failed Error fix - Error message Invalidvalue:sec fix - NonSym Face FitLip vtx selection issue, fix - FKIKSwitch with Polvector-follow issue, fix - Corrective-AngleDrivers past -90 issue, fix - GuideCurve Offset issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.779 - Nonsymmetrical Face, Fit-Lip issue, fix - Prune Small Weights added to optimize AdvancedSkeleton v 5.778 - Improved weighting around lips when for JawOpen - Lip narrow improvements - Dynamics improvements - Tail & Neck IK with follow set tp off, detaches base, fix - Twist/Bendy in SplineIK issue, fix - MultiHead creatures Head scaling issue, fix - Side DrivingSystem driving Center ctrl scale issue, fix - Mixing DrivingSystem scale values issue, fix - DrivingSystems set scale to 1, removes sdk - Tongue part of faceMesh issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.775 - Reduce EyeLidJoints to 4 added in Optimize - Reduce LipJoints to 12 added in Optimize - lipAutoVolume attribute added to lip - Moving IKLegs computes faster, with centerBtwFeet set to zero - FaceSetup low skin-weight values filtered - lip narrow improvments - lipJoints position changed - dualQ weighted eyeLids for non gameEngine FaceRigs - Unreal-Joints section added - Unreal-TwistJoints-hierarchy added to Unreal section - shortestEdgePath improvements for eyeLid & lip - constrainedOnFaceCtrl improved scale behaviour - Teeth named same as face cause error, fix - Phonemes not affecting Left cheeckRaiser, fix - EyeBrowMid2 not following EyeBrowRegion bug, fix - EyeBrowCenter_M ctrl issues with UpMidLo controllers, fix - NoseCorners now follow middleFace_M instead of lowerFace_M AdvancedSkeleton v 5.771 - HeadJoint-field automatically filled AdvancedSkeleton v 5.770 - SmileLine added - BlendedAttr averages instead of multiplies - SmilePull improvements - Create New BlendShape now includes faceExtras - SliderJoints now allows for transformed skinCurves - geoAttach joints removed from DeformSet - Mac file path improvements - Blink now works with LidOut drive - RightClick->Finish added to Face Build Steps with time-slider - GameSkeleton section now called GameEngine - Unreal-Root-Behaviour function added to GameEngine section - Tweak>attach controllers issue, fix - Create FaceDeltaMush now auto zero weight lid & lip - Face>Paint DeltaMush added - Face>delete DeltaMush added - CorrectiveBlendShape deformationOrder pop-up warning removed - Selector & Picker drawWindow changes - asSelectorScriptLocation now only in Selectors & Picker - ControlMesh shader updates - ReBuildDagPose now includes DeformationSystem node - BlendShape Wizard fixes - ConvertToBlendShapes Emotions fixes - ConvertToBlendShapes LipRoll fixes - SkinCage with new FaceSetup issue, fix - Unreal Mannequin now scales with Main - GameEngine-Scale now scales with Main - ReBuild BlendShape rig issues, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.765 - Mixed Mode added to Face-Rig-Type - FKExtra on geoAttachers now default values - Narrowing mouth improvements - EyeBrowCenter_M constraint change - AimEye_M no longer hidden by default - MayaLT can now access more sections - AutoLipSync tempDir autogenerates - fleshyEyes now affected by AimEye - aimAt FitLabel remove, now remove correct attrs - custom-library added to MoCapLibrary - LegAim issue, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.760 - Connect ARKit namespace bug, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.758 - Eyelids issues when moving >1000 units, fix - Lip issues when extreme scaling character, fix - HeadSquash character scaling issue, fix - FKXHead_M segmentScaleCompensate set to Off - asJointsVisibility now compatible with older rigs - EyeLid ctrls modified default orientation AdvancedSkeleton v 5.757 - UpMidLo controllers re-added - EyeRegion behaviour improvements - EyeBrowRegion behaviour improvements - NoseCenterOffset_R renamed to NoseCenterOffset_M - EyeLid ctrls improved default orientation - FaceControls autoplacement improvements - Neck now first child of Chest in FitSkeletons - jointCtx -autoJointOrient Off, for Joint-plotting - FaceExtras weighting fix - FaceJoints radius tweaks - LoPoly geo no longer parented to joints AdvancedSkeleton v 5.753 - GameEngine-Scale-behaviour added to Game Skeleton - ARKit bake now includes Head-rotation - Adding twist/bendy within Spine issue, fix - FaceRig with No BodyRig, headjoint placement fix - DeformJointConstraints group added - Mirror-Pose now allows custom non-sym attributes - Teeth & Jaw Joints now at scale 1 by default - EyeLidJoints parenting re-arranged - LipFalloff Outside steps detection, fix - Edit Falloff by Softmod, now faster - Falloff by Softmod now works with NonSymmetrical faces - JawOpen CheekPusher changed from X to Z AdvancedSkeleton v 5.752 - Delete AdvancedFace runs faster - zip lips added - Missing IKArrow visibility fix - Rebuild now preserves rgb colored ctrls - FaceExtras mustache etc. improved weighing - Body Rebuild preserves Main.jointvis value AdvancedSkeleton v 5.751 - FaceSetup with Non-AdvSkel body rig issue, fix - No lowerTeeth but have tongue cause error, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.750 - GameEngine mode for FaceSetup - New ARKit connect FaceCapture ui - lip deformation improvements - NonUniform limb scaling improvements - ControlCurve swap now keep vis connection - ReBuild now keeps translate and scale xform limits - setBuilPose now avoids double commands - ModelChecker now alos check all parent transforms - Main.jointVis added - NameMatcher namespace issue, fix - Scaled FitJoints causing errors, fix - Detect and remove un-used intermediate shapes added - Create Unreal joints error, fix - nonSphericalEye Eye issues, fix - DrivingSystem issue, fix - FaceRig with no BodyRig issue. fix - Adding emotions to ctrlEmotions_M issue, fix - SwapCurve of IKSpine cause Hybrid ctrls vis issue, fix - IKHybrid ctrls locally oriented AdvancedSkeleton v 5.740 - FACS Emotions control added to FaceSetup - Previs FitSkeleton template added - Phonemes aaa,eh & iee issue fix - RootOptions added to FitLabels - CenterBtwFeet FitLabel replaced by RootOptions - HeadScaling with MainExtras issue fix - ShowOnlyAffected option added to EditDrivingSystem - DrivingSystem nesting now possible - BendyLimbs follow attribute issue fix - TwistFlip function namespace issue fix - File menu added to Selector - MoCapLibrary moved to Selector - fbx export added to Selector - Reference-in function now filters mb files - UnitChecker function now also runs upon Building - ModelChecker now checks also for ConstructionHistory AdvancedSkeleton v 5.730 - MoCap database added to AnimationTester - NameMatcher auto red labels mismatched joint names - NameMatcher CharacterCreator3 template added - cachedPlayback cleared and disabled for FaceBuild - SimplifiedFaceSetup blendshape targets-ordering issue, fix - CorrectiveShapes on IK limbs issue, fix - ctrlEye scale attributes now hidden - DrivingSystems using SmilePull-ctrl are inaccurate, fix - Non-Zero IkLocalOrient cause edit-drivingSystem error, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.722 - nonSphericalEye Eye issues, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.720 - Maya2020 compatibility updates - Fully straight limbs build issue, fix - poly-selection teeth definition fix - fixOrient alignment on curved spines, fix - FKIKSwitch with IKLocal>addCtrl issue, fix - AimAt FitLabel causes error, fix - RootX_MShapes error, fix - IKhybrid-ctrls now match FK-ctrls positions - Curly-spine alignment issue, fix - Improved non-spherical eye setup - SkinAttachCtrls in SimplifiedFaceSetup issue, fix - FaceSetup fps improvements - optimize joint-count for export added - FaceSetup fps improvements - Reduced flipping with IK.follow - Rebuild breaks AngleRotation-driven correctives, fix - Right/Left SplineIK build error, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.711 - Maya2014 build-compatibility restore AdvancedSkeleton v 5.710 - added Selector>Display>FaceCtrls detach - Connect to ARKit added - Duplicating FitSkeleton joints error fix - Joint resampler now works with joint-labels - FKIKSwitch in Maya2019 Root update fix - FKIKSwitch now works with Stretchy IK - IKhybrid controllers added - optimize-skinCluster added to Simplified FaceSetup - RootX_M.legLock removed, now Leg-lock always On - Create muscles on large characters issue, fix - FitGeometry Fat display updates - FitGeometry Aim display updates - ikLocal>localOrient Mirror tool fix - CorrectiveShapes for Face-mixed-attributes fix - Simplified FaceSetup now updates FaceAllSet - aimConstraints can now be used in the FitSkeleton - EyeBall setup now work with Pupil as a hole - SwapCurve now works on ExtraControls - Non-spherical eyes support fixes AdvancedSkeleton v 5.700 - Multiple languages added to AutoLipSync>advanced options - Create HumanIK added to MotionSystem section - AnimationTester can now mix Body & Face - Body>GameSkeleton>Custom-Oriented-GameSkeleton added - bipedGame FitSkeleton now has 1 more spineJoint - AutoLipSync non-latin alphabet option added - Edit-DrivingSystem now a 30frame animation with symmetry - SkinAttachMesh is now a copy of templateLayer - EditDrivingSystem > Cancel now always enabled - No longer using straight-line-splineIk - IkLocal can now be added to spine,tail,etc - Non-symmetrical-face FitLip fix - Finger RotOrder changed to XYZ, for better mix Spread/Curl - CustomControllers now avoid attaching to EndJoints - Rebuilding FaceSetup removes Body DrivingSystem, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.690 - Face AnimationTester added - Lip control improvements - MouthNarrow improvements - SimplifiedFaceSetup improvements - SimplifiedFaceSetup can now be full joint based - SelectorDesigner button name fixes - Dynamics on referenced rig bug, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.682 - NonSymFaceSetup Updates - Smile build steps now shows mirrored face - CustomControls on FaceRigs with no BodyRig, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.680 - Rebuild AdvancedFace added - Keep All checkBox added to Rebuild AdvancedSkeleton - Dynamics > Remove, error fix - Edit Phonemes DrivingSystem error, fix - ChannelBox hiding now only applies to controls - AutolipSync for mac issue, fix - Bake QuickIK now uses preserveOutsideOfBakeRangeKeys - Non Symmetrical Face with EyeLidDroopy, fix - IK arms/legs now also work with no elbow/knee joint - Selector now detects FaceRig with no BodyRig with namespace - FaceExtras now also adds to CheekRaiser SkinLayer - Selector standalone CopyPose error, fix - removed from phoneme-DrivingSystem AdvancedSkeleton v 5.678 - aimAt fitAttribute added AdvancedSkeleton v 5.676 - squeeze and outerUpDown Attributes added to EyeBrow controllers - Lip_R skinweight issue, fix - upperLipA_R autostretch not symmetrical, fix - LipInner FaceFit error, fix - adding GeoAttach to endJoints causes error, fix - Create DrivingSystem> use existing faceCtrl, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.672 - LipInner FaceFit error, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.670 - Non Symmetrical Face functions added - Dynamics improvements - Foot FitSkeleton-limb updated with corrected toe orientations - Converting boxControls to BlendShape, mouthNarrow shape fix - FitSkeletons update for Linux compatability - asFaceBS restored to show in ChannelBox - Mirror IKFootRoll controllers fix - noSkin FitLabel added AdvancedSkeleton v 5.660 - Mouth corner can now be spesified with vertex selection - Custom reparenting now restored upon Rebuild - Lock & Hide of attributes are preserved upon Rebuild - ShapeNodes not intended for animation, no longer showing in ChannelBox - Unreal Root & IK joints function added to GameSkeleton - Local option added to CustomControllers - Maya 2019 crashing on Rebuilding, fix - AdvancedSkeleton as WorkSpace in Maya2019 crashes, fixed - AdvancedSkeleton as Docked, is sometime wider then needed, fixed - FaceSetup Build process, now restores existing DeltaMush - Bake Dynamics, now bakes animation to FK controls - Dynamics > Unbake, removed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.650 - MocapX support, IPhoneX realtime face-capture ( - MouthNarrowing shape improvments - Lip autosqueeze when stretched added - Faster FaceBuild process on dense mesh characters - Faster Convert to SimplifiedFaceSetup - Simplified FaceSetup now creates FaceConstraintSystem - Fix typo error of MoCapMatcher affected by linux - FKIKSwitch changes rotationOrder, fix - FKIKSwitch toe orientation bug fix - Faster SoftMod weighting - Maya2012 compatability fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.640 - Extract blendShape for eyeBrow objects fix - FaceFitForeHead generation improvments - EyeBrow DrivingSystem default values improved - Face>Fit>Advanced>ChooseHeadJoint function fix - Mac user issues with downloading librispeech-lexicon fix - SlideJoints now includes with UnrealSkeleton - Fixed issue with Maya crash when using HardwareTexture - Auto-detect FFD on non-spherical eyes - FaceExtras fixes - LipA & LipB controls improved behaviour when narrowing lips - Convert to blendShapes eyeBrow bug appeared in v5.631, fix - Extract BlendShape moves onFace controls, fix - Creating DrivingSystems from BlendedAttributes now mirrors AdvancedSkeleton v 5.630 - Added Face->FaceExtras section - Create SoftMod Control added to CustomControllers section - Body>Fit section, split into Fit and Edit sections - Added "Apply Example MotionCapture" to AnimationTester tool - DrivingSystems can now also drive Regions controllers - No Teeth or Tongue cause error, fix - EyeSquint Lattice can now be moved, at Squint build step - EyeBrow skinLayer weight mirror fix - EyeBrow DrivingSystem Range, now set per characters Eyebrow size - FaceFitForehead now uses LeastEdgesPath instead of ShortestEdgePath - "Edit DS value of zero removing SDK`s" improved - ctrlCheek.ty drivingSystem values improved - remove curveGuide attr now also removes curveGuideMode attr - Extract blendShape for mixed and blended attributes fixed - BlendShape wizard erros on mixed attributes, fix - fixes for user with ~ (tilde) symbol in their username - Mirror pose updated to work with SoftMod Controls - Attached beard, mustache, etc now work with SimplifiedFaceSetup - Bendy limbs controllers now have follow attribute - DrivingSystem Edit, setting values to zero, now removes SDK also for face - If Tongue-geo defined, but no FitTongue, Then default FitTongue created - Scaling limbs with bendy controls, incorrect joint-scaling fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.620 - CheekBone Locator added to Face>Fit section - Jaw Open now drives Cheek movement - DrivingSystem 10 drivers per control limit, fix - EyeBrow-weighting improved - Jaw-weighting improved - Qtoes mixed with IKLocal causes IK-offset bug, fix - Teeth part of main mesh character, face-build error, fix - BlendShape Wizard & Extract now allows for custom added BlendShapes - Auto Ensure uniqueLabels, for large number of SplineIK`s, improved - Phoneme improvments - FaceFit helpimages updates - BendyJoints On, can now be used with TwistJoints at 0 - Adding Bendy-joints to Root, causes cycle error, fix - Improved filtering for Face > Choose Geometry - DrivingSystem Edit, setting values to zero, now removes SDK - ConvertToBlendShapes > FleshyEye now also works with AimEye - Create blendShape target button, renamed to Extract blendShape target - Simplified FaceSetup hides Jaw controller, fix - Create New BlendShape moves onFace controls, fix - Edit BlendShape for mixed Attr (Smile/Frown), fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.610 - SmilePullOffset Error on DrivingSystems with no faceSetup, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.600 - DrivingSystems improved - FaceSetup now uses DrivingSystems, for more easy faceSetup tweaks - Delete Adv added to Body>build section - AutoLipSync not allowing userName, fixed - AutoLipSync now automatically re-encode incompatible audio files - SimplifiedFaceSetup: No Error, fix - SimplifiedFaceSetup with FaceCap, zipLips error, fix - FKIKSwitching with custom string attributes added error, fix - ConvertToBlendShapes with no tongue error, fix - EyeBrows now also influenced by eyeLidLayer AdvancedSkeleton v 5.590 - Added Export section with GameEngine export functions - AutoLipSync now includes example voice file - Face-Build speed improments on dense mesh models - Added Enable Mp3 to AutoLipSync - Added ConvertToBlendShape: squint - Added ConvertToBlendShape: fleshyEye - Added ConvertToBlendShape: blink - Added ConvertToBlendShape: ctrlMouth - ModelCleaner now preserves custom normals - Inbetween joints now works with Scale - Mid IK Spine flips when RootX_M.ry is 180, fix - Extract BlendShapeTarget moves onFace controls, fix - Slider-joints now moves propotional to character scale - Animation Blending Option now automatically turned On - Scale-Controls now uses local curve pivot AdvancedSkeleton v 5.580 - Added "Convert Phonemes to BlendShapes" - Non-symmetrical face section added in Face>Fit section - AutoLipSync now supports Offset of the SoundFile - Added Rokoko-systems to MotionCapMatcher tool - added FaceControl-orient tools in Face>Tweaks section - fixedOrient Attribute added to IKSpine1_M - Selector now works with Recursive NamesSpaces - CorrectiveShapes for FaceSetup improvements - CorrectiveShapes SDK-tangents changed to linear - DrivingSystem mixing translate & rotate improvements - Spine oriented at 180 -90 0, build-issue fixed - Quadruped FKIK switching improvements - improved behavior for long curved tails - Auto filter-out symbol-characters from autoLipSync text AdvancedSkeleton v 5.570 - Auto LipSync added, (found in Selector & Picker anim menu) - CorrectiveShapes various fixes - Phonemes controller added to GoToBuildPose - SmilePull update allowing models offset in scene-z - JawCurves start/end cv`s now aligns with FitLocators - JawSetup now allows for models with irragular jawline - Maya versions pre2015 phonemes-compatibility fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.560 - Phonemes added - LipPucker attributes added to ctrlMouth_M - Jaw-open Lip-Shaper option added to Jaw-BuildStep - Improved lip-shape when Jaw opens - Sticklips-center adjusts with Lip-Shaper tweaks - Connect FaceCap now works with Simplified FaceSetup AdvancedSkeleton v 5.550 - bake FKtoIK fixes - Bake FK2IK now avaiable for Spine, Tail, etc - asLockAttr proc now avaiable in selector - MoCapMatcher nameSpace with underscore, bug fix - IKToes controller added - IKLeg.toes attribute removed - FKIK switching improvements - Gorilla template toes order fixed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.540 - MoCapMatcher improvements - "Scan MoCap-skeleton" added to MoCapMatcher - "zero-out MoCap-joints" added to MoCapMatcher - "Create New Layer" button in Face>SkinLayers enabled - MoCapMatcher Root-connection improvement - MoCapMatcher-connect no longer stops at joint-mismatch - Simplified FaceSetup re-added (Replaces ConvertToBlendShapesOnly) - GameSkeleton>Unreal>TransferSkinning, now reverses when re-run. - LipFalloff build error bug fix - ikLocal=nonZero caused Cycle-warning during Build, fixed. - "Cluster Controls" section renamed to "CustomControllers" - Removing some `compound` attr-connections for FBX compatibility - Removed obsolete FaceFitMouthNarrow, MouthNarrow, FaceFitSmilePull, SmilePull - install.mel updated to work with "Source Script" - MoCapMatcher now defaults to the "MotionBuilder" template - Added "Mixamo" & "iPiSoft" to MoCapMatcher - MoCapMatcher now remembers which sections are Expanded - FrownPull & FrownBulge BuildStep`s, replaced with Frown - FaceFit-Eye got deleted, with "Delete Adv", fixed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.530 - UpMidLo weight-smoothing improved - ConvertToBlendShapes now includes Squint - BlendShapeWizard improvements - IK-spine with no "inbetweens" build-bug fixed - SmilePull incorrect pull values, fixed - ctrlNose changed to move noseCorner opposite x-direction - "Set rig to all FK" in MoCapMatcher fixed - "Connect MoCap Skeleton" in MoCapMatcher fixed - "Update" button enabled by default, fixed - LipFalloff-Update fixed - MoCapMatcher can launch from Selector/Picker, w/o tools AdvancedSkeleton v 5.520 - Added FaceCap-connect (Face MotionCapture using iPhone) - Added MoCapMatcher tool, to Picker/Selector - Added "Mixamo" to nameMatcher - Quadruped FitSkeleton, replace with Horse and Cat - SmilePull controller behaviour improved - ConvertToBlendShapes improvements - Rigs with Multiple Main-controls, now correctly scales FaceSetup - eyeLid`s closeAutoShape attributes now default value is zero - Tail-system used as Side-Limb, Build-mirror-bug fixed - Pose-Mirroring updated for new SplineIK - multiObj teeth/tongue now works with "blendShapes Only" - NameMatcher hip name bug fix - NameMatcher imported animation bug fix - asFitModeUpdateScale now runs once per rig, not per FitJoint - ControlCurves->Scale now also works on Selected Face-Control - Custom control curves with multiple curve-shapes, now rebuilds - Reduced flipping occurring on Mid-SplineIk controllers - All WorldSpace oriented IK ctrls now use "xyz" rot-order - "inbetweener" at branching joints, child order bug, fixed - FKIK Switching for Quadruped updated - FitSkeleton now has has template attribute - MoCap BHV reader removed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.510 - Dragon FitSkeleton template added - Muscles reversed surfaces fixed - IKSpline improvements - FKIK Switching updated for new IKSpline - Generated Transforms from joint scaling, now auto removed - BlendShapeWizard updated to include all targets - CurveGuide controls now scale with Main.scale - Scaling Main control affects Spine shape, fix - Improved RibbonIK twisting on chains with non-equal spacing - UnrealSkeleton custom joints now works with Re-Build - WireDeformed EyeBrows now affected by SquintLayer - EyeLashes now affected by SquintLayer - ConvertToBlendShapesOnly now includes EyeLashes - ConvertToBlendShapesOnly now includes Squint AdvancedSkeleton v 5.500 - Bake "animation to BakeSkeleton" now includes scale animation - Face Squint step added to Face-Step-Builder - Eyes facing sideways, now builds correctly - ctrlEye_R/L now have extraAttributes for rotateFactor - Eyelid Droopy controls placement improved - Jaw not working when model is under the Y plane, fix - NameMatcher improvements for DAZ models - NameMatcher now creates controllers for BlendShapes - FaceSetup now creates smaller fileSize - EyeBrowOuter now have influence on next EyeBrow ctrl - FaceSetup improved for "Sideways facing" characters - Lip controllers improved - Eye closeAutoShape fixed for large eyed character - 99cv limit in the "SwapCurve" function, fix - DrivingSystem not rebuilding controls with underScore, fix - various updates to NameMatcher - Improved FKIK Switching for SplineIK (spine,neck, tail,etc) - IK-Mid auto-aim improved - Swap FaceControl to Spheres, bug fix - Selector>Pose>Mirror now correctly mirrors IKLocal controls - Added "CharacterCreator" to nameMatcher - Picker: SmileFold_L changed to SmileBulge_L - Picker: SmileFold_L changed to SmileBulge_L - Non-zero values for IK-Mid Extras controls, fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.490 - NameMatcher Tool added to "Tools" section - Faster playback of FaceSetup - TwistFlip option added to Selector/Picker under Anim menu - QuickIK added to Selector/Picker under Anim menu - Display>Brightness added to Picker - New IKSpine (also new IK tail/neck, etc) - IK-Spline Mid controls can now be rotated - Unreal-skeleton now works with custom joints - closeAutoShape attribute added to eyeLid controls - SmileBulge SDK incorrect translateZ value, fix - inbetween->untwister untwists more correctly - EyeLid weighting improved - Selector/Picker updated to match new face-setup - Selector/picker Mirror function on new face bug, fix - if vtx count on lipOuter edgeloop not match lipMain error, fix - Mocap HipSwinger_M.stabilize now at 10 by default - Improved behavior for lip-ctrl rotations - RootX_M.legLock now also locks tails from spine motion - AutoTwist & ExtraTwist attributes on IK ctrls now working - IK "followEnd" attribute, changed to "followChild" - Tail only rig, to follow RootX, fix - Attach beard, mustache added to EyeBrow section - EyeLashes not correctly weighted in some Layers, fix - Non-uniform scaling of SpineIK controls axis-mixed, fix - Left shoulder polyBox inverted normals, fix - Iris weighing bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.480 - IK Spine not following RootX, fix - 180/360 Main.twistFlip attribute added (360 is time dependent) AdvancedSkeleton v 5.470 - optimized SkinAttachCtrls, for redused file-size - ConvertToBlendShapes now removes SmilePullLayer weights - Optimize> PruneClusters removed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.460 - Improved placement of LipA controller - Tongue part of main-mesh build fix. - Improved Extra EyeBrows weighting - Re-added ZipperLips - fix EyeRegion weighting in Maya2018 bug AdvancedSkeleton v 5.450 - SmileBulge joint weighting fix - Extra EyeBrows weighting fix - Added SmileBulge button to Face>Layers AdvancedSkeleton v 5.440 - Restored missing Tongue section AdvancedSkeleton v 5.430 - Mirror ClusterControls added - added Face>Layers section - added Face>BlendShapes section - added "Swap to Spheres" in Face>Tweaks section - IK-spline added FollowBase & FollowEnd attributes - custom curve with any large number of CV rebuild fix - Selector RootX not work in "Extra" mode, bug fix. - BakeFKtoIk not working when autoKey is Off, bug fix. - Smile crease&fold replaced with SmileBulge & FrownBulge - Custom-enumerated-attribute-alias rebuild fix - IK necks/tails follow IK-Spine bug fix - BlendShape sections re-added - Non default scale on some faceJoints, bug fix - duplicated SplineIK now automatically gets unique name - Eyebrow weighting incorrect on large models, bug-fix - Lip error, on complex mouth corner topology fix - Rebuild body-rig affects face-ctrl with "Swap-curve" fix - IKLocal now works with IK-tails - PoleVector.lock offset on quadruped bug fix - Face->CustomControls replaced with ClusterControls - Fixed AimEye_R pivot offset bug - Quadruped "warning not in build pose" fix. - Teeth part of face-mesh build error, fix. - Face ctrl curves now further out from geometry - AnimationTester Tool added - ctrlBox.jointsVis attribute added - Limbs can now twist past 180 degrees - SplineIK behaviour improved for use on long necks AdvancedSkeleton v 5.420 - fixed Non-zero values for NoseRegion_M - AimEye_M scales with Head, bug fix - "influence" attrs now non-keyable - droopy-ctrls not updating in paralellmode fix - fixes for FaceSetup on non-Advkel body rigs - Improved behaviour for scaling lowerFace_M - Cheek influence attributes simplified - face-selector bug fix - Models that have tongue, but no teeth, bug fix - Added "MaxWeight" to customControls section - Lips now auto-press when stretched - Added "keep build pose" for face-rebuild AdvancedSkeleton v 5.410 - FaceSetup fixes AdvancedSkeleton v 5.400 - Improved FaceSetup - Model-Check added to Pre section - Picker & Selector updated AdvancedSkeleton v 5.350 - Added "QToes" IK-label, for improved Quadruped leg IK setup - Tongue FitLocators initial placement bug fix - Cluster-Controls not ReBuilding bug fix - "rock" attribute added to IK-leg - "ToesAuto" IK-label removed - "legAimSDK" attribute removed - Quadruped FitSkeleton updated - PoserDesigner crashing in Maya2018 bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.340 - Muscular section added - Cluster-Controls section added - Version-Updater improved for Downloads from the Autodesk Store - Auto-update now checks internet connection first. - AutoTwist & ExtraTwist attributes added under "Extra Attributes" IMPORTANT NOTE: v5.330 was the last version to be hosted by dropbox. This means if you are trying to update from versions older than v5.330 You will receive a Error message. To fix this, Download and Unzip the following MEL file: And after opening the "About" section in AdvancedSkeleton, then drag`n`drop the MEL file into Maya, And then click on the "Check For Updates" button. AdvancedSkeleton v 5.330 - Auto-update now uses host-server instead of dropbox - Added "Adjust Groin area" to SkinCage - SkinCage red-curves now better follows green-curves - Neck/Shoulder area of SkinCage improved - Auto-untwist of SkinCage added - geoAttach now provides blending attribute - "Add wrist details" button added to SkinCage - ctrl-click on "Attach" eyeLashes to keep targets - TeethColliderRegion added to Edit-Regions section - fixed "SkinCage slider bug" that appeared in v5.320 - fixed quadruped backFoot-roll bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.320 - Added Retopology Face - Bug fixed for using Spine-Mid controller for Neck IK - various PickerUI bugfixes - Panel Toolbar removed from Picker - Picker "isolate" added, for hiding picker objects. - "Mid" label with OriginJoint, bug fix - Bend1-controllers now affect joint rotations - Added "ToesAuto" IK-label, for improved horse-leg IK - Optimize>Prune Clusters, breaks eyeLashSetup bug-fix - PoleVector.lock improved behaviour - All Face ctrlBox attributes now non-keyable - wbDeltaMush plugin loads when opening Demo rig, if required - Stretchy-IK improved behaviour AdvancedSkeleton v 5.310 - Elbow & Knee Bendy controls improved behaviour - FKIK Switching now also works with Spines & Tails - Spine changed, FKRoot_M can now translate - SwapCurve now adds new curve to AllSet - Added HipSwinger label. - Main.scale with Bendy-joints bug fix - IKLocal>localOrient mirror bug fixed - Chained SpineIKs bug fix - FKIK switch of Spine on referenced rig, bugfix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.300 - Added Picker (alternative to the Selector) - Parenting tool added to Selector/Picker - FKIKSwitch now obey autoKey - FKIKSwitch poleVector placement improved - Face ctrlBox transform attributes now non-keyable - Teeth popping bug fix - FaceSetup without Body rig, bug fix. - Added Body>ControlCurves>Re-use>SkinCurves - Added Face>EyeLashes>Attach - Improved error checking for FaceBuild - Retopology section added - 1-joint FitSkeleton bug fix - copy/paste added to Body>Fit>Placement - ColorPalette added to Body>ControlCurves>Color - Added Body>ControlCurves>Re-use - Squash of Bendy limbs bug fix - BendyJoints Stretching improved - Added MetaCarpals to Hand fitSkeleton limb AdvancedSkeleton v 5.250 - Added IK-Labels Help-video - Added Fit-Attributes Help-video - Added Display-PoleVector to Fit section - Added Display-JointOrient to Fit section - SkinCage topology improvements - Simplified FaceSetup improvements - Added "Bake ExtraControl to Controls" - Added "SwitchFKIK" to Selector>Anim menu - Added "SwitchPivot" to Selector>Anim menu - Pupils/Iris setup now longer requires FaceSetup - IK-chain with many controllers stretching-bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.240 - Pupils section added for pupil & iris controls - SkinLoops deformation improvements - FaceSetup with IK-neck, bug fix - "Extra" checkBox added to Selector - MirrorPose-footRoll bug fix - Pre & Post Rebuild-script option added - Zipper-lips improvements - Finger-spread edit-DrivingSystem bug fix - EyeBrow WireDeform fix - Face-Selector Pose-copy warning fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.230 - CurveBased Deformation Corrective Shapes - Lip-on-teeth-collition added. - Workspace docking added - Finger-Spread now before Finger-Curl - Spine skeleton geometry now bends with inbetween joints - Lip setup asymmetry bug fix - DeltaMush-all-targets bug fix - "Joint-Groups" function added, (reduce flip of FKIK blending) - SlideJoints default direction reversed AdvancedSkeleton v 5.220 - Fish FitSkeleton added - Demo rigs are now Download on Demand - Added "Selected" option to Curve-Colors - Bendy controls .stiff attr now default to 10 - FKIK switching with IK-local bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.210 - Added "bipedGame" FitSkeleton - Added Simplfied-FaceSetup for GameEngine export - Various FaceSetup improvements - FKIK align for birdleg bug fixed - Auto-orient bug causing Maya crash now fixed. - FaceBuildSteps now shows which steps completed. - CorrectiveShape angle-driver now works with FaceSetup - Lip-falloff now separate build-step from lip-build - Cheeck setup now separate build-step - FitMode now removes transforms generated from scaled FitSkeleton AdvancedSkeleton v 5.200 - Added Bake FK to IK & vice versa. - Added Bake Mocap to FK - IkLocal builds by default bug fix - Large scale rig AimEye bug fix - Locking attributes on FitSkeleton now supported - Slider-joints move when limbs scale, bug fix. - Unreal Skeleton AdvancedSkeleton v 5.190 - Added "Version History", in About section - Added ControlMesh section - Added Stabilize option to MoCap skeleton - FaceBuild of large scale models bug fix - Tongue defined as points instead of object, now works - Linux autoUpdater fix - Added 2new IKLocal options AdvancedSkeleton v 5.180 - IK-chest orientation behaviour improved - Added "CurveGuide" Fit-Attribute, for feather-setups - Added File-size optimizer - WireDeform EyeBrow fix - Global scaling with FaceSetup bug fixed - Quadped front-leg polevector fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.170 - Fixed FKRoot rotation bug. - Fixed ShapeNode selection of controls bug. - Fixed Layered-DrivingSystems reBuild bug. AdvancedSkeleton v 5.160 - Added dog demo rig (cody) - RootX.LegLock attribute, now better isolate spine rotations - Added ControlCurves color tools. - Global function added to SplineIK Controllers - Improved Scale behavior for stretchy limbs - wbDeltaMush update: v1.8.0 AdvancedSkeleton v 5.150 - Version-updater bug fixed. - Improved lip-weighting when building face-setup - FitSkeleton Import, now has option to merge with existing - Upper/Lower Face controls added - Pose-mirroring bug fixed. - Added "GlobalTranslate" Fit Attribute. - ZipperLips bug fix. AdvancedSkeleton v 5.130 - Zipper-lips added - Corrective-shapes now works with "inbetween-joints". - LegLock added to RootX control - Lip-corner controllers added - Improved bendyLimbs - Auto-version-updater, now also works on Mac AdvancedSkeleton v 5.120 - DeltaMush deformer updated, now supports weighting. - Sample rigs now included. - FitMode Auto-Orient now aims at first child, at joint branches. - EyeLid push-out attributes added. - NewBlendShapes-section added. - Stabilize attribute added to HipSwinger - Improved Squash`n`Stretch on limbs - Face-Fit now topology-independent - Face-setup improvements AdvancedSkeleton v 5.110 - EndJoints removed from DeformSet - Quick-Selection-Sets now works with Re-Build - Face-Build bug fixes - Face-Selector bug fixes AdvancedSkeleton v 5.100 - New & improved FaceSetup - Selector-gui on Mac bug fix - WalkDesigner bug fix AdvancedSkeleton v 5.030 - Fixed bug from v5.020, where quadruped spine built incorrectly AdvancedSkeleton v 5.020 - DeltaMush deformer added. (Plugin by: Webber Huang) The plugin works for Maya2012,2013,2014 & 2015, Win,Osx & Linux (maya2016 have DeltaMush built-in ) - Hipswinger now works with "inbetween" joints. - FKIK switcher bug fix - Left fingerCurl default values fixed - Optimized faceBuild process AdvancedSkeleton v 5.010 - Improved 3boneIK behaviour for quadrupeds - InbetweenJoints now have `unTwister` option - various fixes and improvements AdvancedSkeleton v 5.000 Major update.